South Africa
Posted by Jason Crowther | May 23, 2017 | Hiking Trails, Table Mountain

3 hours



5 km
Constantia Corner is a pleasant hike which offers splendid views of Hout Bay and the Constantia Valley. There are a few short steep sections that require you to use all fours – making this hike a fun full body workout.
Start at the Constantia Nek circle parking lot (opposite Constantia Nek Harbour House). Walk along the tarred road leading up the mountain. After a few hundred meters the path turns into a gravel road where you will see a footpath leading off to your left. Head up the stepped footpath until you re-join the jeep track further up the mountain.

Once you reach the jeep track again, head left to where the jeep track ends. At the end of the road you should see a footpath leading off into the fynbos. Follow this path until you reach a fork where you will head right up the mountain. The trail will take you around the ridge on the Hout Bay side all the way to the top, giving you splendid views over Orangekloof & Hout Bay. Along this section of the trail you will encounter a few short but steep climbs, with each one getting a little steeper the higher you go.

Once at the top of the ridge the path levels out and heads North towards De Villiers Dam. Here you will find plenty of great spots to stop for a rest and bite to eat. The path leads through a large gap in the rocks and down into a small valley before heading up again on the other side. Keep your eyes open here for the “famous” Camel Rock, which is – yep you guessed it – a rock resembling the shape of a camel!

After passing Camel Rock the trail remains fairly level, giving you a chance to take it easy and soak in the beauty of your surroundings. The trail will bring you right to De Villiers Dam with The Overseer’s cottage in the distance on the right. The path re-joins the concrete jeep track which you can take back down to the parking lot.